Lusk ยท Wyoming

Niobrara County WY Road Rehabilitation

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Project Description

This project provided road rehabilitation services for various county roads, including Cheyenne River Road, Boner Road, Hat Creek Road, and Gun Club Road, all located in Niobrara County, Wyoming. The roads were in need of repair to include more gravel. We partnered with Jagow Enterprises, Inc. to provide road rehabilitation services in a quality manner.

Road rehabilitation included grading and shaping. Using a motor grader, the operator laid back the topsoil and vegetation for grading the existing right-of-way to occur to reshape the roadway to meet specified requirements. Once the grading was complete, the blade operator replaced the topsoil and vegetation. Trucks and belly dumps hauled gravel on-site and applied it to the roadway at the specified depth and grade, where the gravel was then compacted.

Project Quantities

  • 17.1 miles of road grading
  • 28,016 ton of aggregate (gravel)

Services Provided

"Best company I've ever been a part of! JW Services is a company that is committed to customer satisfaction and a pleasure to work with."
Brandon Jagow
Jagow Enterprises, Inc.

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